These are some dangerous mistakes people make during a genital meet and greet;

  • Shaving on the day of the appointment
  • Forgetting to charge your vibrator
  • Using saliva as a lubricant
  • Not urinating after the meeting
  • Applying ice creams on the genital during oral play
  • Position amnesia

Over the years the way meetings has evolved from physical meetings to zoom meetings. However, one meeting that’s still very much in practice is a genital meet-and-greet. While this meeting is characterized with deep and slippery pleasure, it can later leave the stakeholders of the meeting with unpleasant memories which sometimes land some in the hospital due to certain avoidable mistakes.

*AD: Know your sexual health status today, click Book Test to get started.

  • SHAVING ON THE DAY OF APPOINTMENT: By shaving on the day of the meeting, the participant gives room for sensitive micro-pores in the genital area that can get infected during vigorous pleasure contacts. If you must shave do it several days before.
  • SALIVA AS LUBRICANT: This practice is inspired by a mixture of Sapa and ignorance. Saliva often contains microbes which could result in a dangerous infection if it comes in contact with the females’ vagina. A safer alternative will be to get a lubricant from myspnigeria, that’ll ensure things remain healthily slippery all through the meeting.


  • POSITION AMNESIA : Having dreamt and anticipated this grand-meeting, some stakeholders tend to forget all the meeting positions; doggy, cowgirl etc that they intended to try out. A good way to prevent this amnesia is with a Sex dice 🎲 from Myspnigeria. With a dice in hand all positions will be fully explored.
  • POST MEETING URINATION: some people forget to urinate and clean up after a meeting. This’s a bad meeting practice and it could result into an infection that can mess up the body system for months. To avoid being a victim always make sure you urinate after meeting, you can take extra caution by cleaning with a vagina wash from Myspnigeria like fem fresh.

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