There are many people out there who cannot experience orgasm the same way normal people can. People experience orgasms in different ways but there are others who do not know what to orgasm feels like.
Some people could orgasm before but as a result of one or many reasons, they lose this ability. There are many reasons out there as to why a person cannot orgasm and with this article we hope to shed some light at some of these reasons and possible ways of ending this problem.
What is Anorgasmia (Orgasmic Dysfunction)?
Anorgasmia is the scientific term for when a person is experiencing problems with sexual orgasms. It is a type of sexual dysfunction that affects genders.
There are two main types of anorgasmia:
Primary anorgasmia: This is when an individual has never experienced an orgasm or experiences very low orgasm after adequate stimulation.
Secondary anorgasmia: This is when a person who could previously orgasm loses or is no longer able to experience orgasm.
Out of these two mentioned above, primary anorgasmia is far easier to treat than secondary anorgasmia.
This is because secondary anorgasmia is usually tied to hormonal imbalance, relationship problems, stress, mental issues such as depression and anxiety.
Secondary anorgasmia is often situational that is being unable to orgasm in certain circumstances. But that does not mean that treating it is impossible.
When treatment it the primary issue, such as depression or relationship problems has to be addressed in order to treat and overcome the inability to orgasm during sex.
Professionals say that one of the main reasons of primary anorgasmia is lack of practice in masturbating.
Practice makes perfect, without repeated practice, the body may not develop an orgasm pathway. This is because the sensory pathways from the genitals to the brain are not sufficiently connected to make orgasms more easily accessible.
The easiest way to end this problem is to masturbate and learn how to explore different parts of the body that can lead to frequent orgasms.
Regardless of whether a person is experiencing primary or secondary anorgasmia, both cases can range from mild to severe orgasmic dysfunction.
A study conducted in 2000 concluded that about 19 to 50 percent of women have or have had orgasmic dysfunction, and another study in 2016 showed that eight percent of men have delayed or absent orgasm in one period of their sexual life
Unlike in primary anorgasmia, an individual experiencing secondary anorgasmia could previously experience orgasm but maybe as a result of one of the reasons stated below, the person ceases to experience orgasm during sex.
This occurs even though there is enough and proper stimulation of the genitals during sex.
Some common causes of secondary anorgasmia include:
- Low self esteem and poor body image.
- Previous sexual or emotional abuse
- Fear or embarrassment of sex
- Religious or societal views surrounding sex
- Poverty and financial instability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Lack of emotional intimacy
- Poor communication between partners
- Age related changes such as menopause
- Lifestyle choices such as excessive smoking and alcohol usage
- Having a sexual partner who experiences a sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction
- Use of medications such as antidepressants or blood pressure drugs
- Physical illness such as diabetes or tissue damage
Having said all that, orgasmic dysfunction could be diagnosed in these terms.
- Total absence of orgasm
- Delayed orgasm
- Fewer orgasms during sex
- Less intense orgasms
The fact that society discriminates and tends to shame people especially women, who want to explore and embrace their sexuality. Not to mention the pressure to have the perfect body shape.
In some cases, self-pleasure and premarital sex is also tagged as a taboo which often make people less informed of to pleasure their own body.
All though it is easier said than done, but it is a matter of unlearning the negative views and societal beliefs surrounding sexuality, and taking the initiative to educate and gain information on the sexual anatomy of the human body.
HOW TO TREAT ANORGASMIA (Orgasmic Dysfunction)
There is no single treatment will work for everyone, that is why we recommend visiting a healthcare professional, such as a gynecologist, psychotherapist or urologist if you feel you have anorgasmia.
There may be an underlying physical or mental health issue you are unaware of, or perhaps you are on certain medications which could be the cause of your problem.
Taking the right steps to explore your health with a professional could mean living a sexual life that is not hindered by sexual dysfunction.
A few other ways you could try to treat anorgasmia include:
Educating yourself on your anatomy and practicing different kinds of stimulation, and masturbation techniques.
Experimenting with new sex positions or using sexual wellness tools such as sex toys and libido enhancing drugs.
Changing aspects certain of your lifestyle, such as the amount of alcohol you drink or cigarettes you smoke and eating healthier food.
Practicing kegel exercises
Avoiding circumstances that could lead to stress, anxiety and depression
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Orgasmic dysfunction is a problem affecting numerous people out there. In case you are experiencing it, do not sit down and let your sexual life crumble.
Sexuality is a normal part of life, and embracing it in a safe and sane manner is to be encouraged and actually, very beneficial for your mental and physical health.