Let’s talk about the Big O!

The big O, Org@sm is the third phase in a sexual response cycle. It is the climax phase just before resolution. As with other phases, some disorders/dysfunction could occur in relation to Org@sm. After a normal sexual excitement phase, one is expected to experience a climax however, this doesn’t always occur as only 50% of…

3 life thre@tening STI symptoms you must not Ignore.

STI’s are those undesired consequences- infections that comes with S€X and the alarming thing is that you’re still likely to get infected even if you use a protection during S€X… this’s because condoms aren’t a guaranteed means of protection against STI’s. One of the things that makes STIs dangerous is that it can lead to…

Did my vagina just fart ?

A lot of ladies tend to ask themselves this unnerving question either when they’re getting down with a guy or self-pleasur!ng with a vibrator. Well we’re happy to break it to you that your Vag!na actually farts 💨. However, unlike the fart from the a$s that smells really bad, the vag!na fart is often odorless.…

Overcoming The Temptations From My House-Help

Chiamaka was the new girl mama brought to help with chores around the house. Ever since my wife d!ed and I promised not to remarry until all three of our kids were done with their Undergraduate programmes, I needed frequent help around the house. I remember taking in different “agbakos” (destiny troublers) the most recent…