June Pleasure Buffet

Do you want to enhance your intimate experience with your partner and you are wondering how to go about it? Then, we have a tried and tested buffet that will bring back that spice and even amp your sex game. Now, what’s this buffet? Myspnigeria has curated a pleasure buffet where you can get all…

March Pleasure Buffet

Every month Myspnigeria brings to you the pleasure buffet which is basically a couples kit that contains a little something for you & bae to explore in the other room. This buffet is simply put all your bedroom needs in one place & in one buy & it goes for a very discounted price of…

February Pleasure Buffet

Every sexual experience has a vibe… For you, it might always be the gentle, sweet love making. For someone else, it could be always that crazy, bodies flipping  & rough sex that’s their  normal. Well, whatever your vibe is & in whatever way you like to do it, we have brought together all your bedroom essentials…


Low libido is lack of response to sexual desires or lack of desire to participate or initiate sexual intercourse or avoiding  situations where you will have to engage in sexual activity with your partner. Causes of low libido Hormonal imbalance Use of medications that decrease dopamine or increase brain opioids will decrease sexual excitation. Psychological…