Here’s What You Should Do After Sex

So you just finished another great sex session and the both of you are coming down from an orgasmic bliss and trying to catch your breaths. Now, here are three very important things you should do as soon as you catch your breath. First things first, stand up and go pee. Even if your bladder…

March Pleasure Buffet

Every month Myspnigeria brings to you the pleasure buffet which is basically a couples kit that contains a little something for you & bae to explore in the other room. This buffet is simply put all your bedroom needs in one place & in one buy & it goes for a very discounted price of…

4 Best Supplements For Women

Supplements are taken to improve health or wellness, to optimize specific performance of the body, combat a vitamin deficiency, close gaps on hormonal imbalance/fluctuations, lower risk of certain diseases and avoid costly health problems. Why Women Need Supplements: Healthy, glowing skin starts from your insides not just what you put on your body. To optimize…


Low libido is lack of response to sexual desires or lack of desire to participate or initiate sexual intercourse or avoiding  situations where you will have to engage in sexual activity with your partner. Causes of low libido Hormonal imbalance Use of medications that decrease dopamine or increase brain opioids will decrease sexual excitation. Psychological…


PREMATURE EJACULATION Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner would like during sexual intercourse. This is a case of great concern when it happens often. 20- 30% of men will experience premature ejaculation. PREMATURE EJACULATION CAN LEAD TO: Relationship problems Stress & anxiety Shame & embarrassment in the man In…