Are Sperm Cramps Real?

Are Sperm Cramps Real? Ejaculation is the release of semen from the penis during the male orgasm, it is meant to feel very pleasurable followed by a sudden relief washing over the man. But for some men, ejaculation can be a painful experience leading to things like cramping followed by discomfort in a man’s testicles…

June Pleasure Buffet

Do you want to enhance your intimate experience with your partner and you are wondering how to go about it? Then, we have a tried and tested buffet that will bring back that spice and even amp your sex game. Now, what’s this buffet? Myspnigeria has curated a pleasure buffet where you can get all…

March Pleasure Buffet

Every month Myspnigeria brings to you the pleasure buffet which is basically a couples kit that contains a little something for you & bae to explore in the other room. This buffet is simply put all your bedroom needs in one place & in one buy & it goes for a very discounted price of…

Using Dilators To Improve Her Sexual Confidence

Do you find penetrative sex painful or getting into certain positions during sexual intercourse uncomfortable for you? Well, keep reading to find out what can help you. The use of vaginal dilators can help ease vaginal pains, contractions & take away anxiety during sexual intercourse. Osas vaginal dilator What are vaginal dilators? Vaginal dilators are…